Floods and drought contributed to an exodus of peasants from their farms, and many left the country to find work. Violence soon broke out between white miners and the new arrivals, much of it racially charged. See full list on history.
Proposed by California congressman Thomas J. Internal Revenue Service. Immigrants who were caught not carrying the certificates were sentenced to hard labor and deportation, and bail was only an option if the accused were vouched for by a “credible white witness.
World War IIand seeking to improve morale on the home front. The State Department. It was the first significant law restricting immigration into the United States. Its summary is as follows: 1. If an earlier immigrant exited the country, he needed a re-entry certificate to be allowed back in.
It was based under the presumption that, these immigrants posed a threat to the law and order in certain American localities. However, soon, the reserves of gold began thinning out, and these immigrants were forced to seek long-term jobs. Documents and records of individual case files and Certificates of Residence housed in the National Archives detail the individual stories resulting from this and subsequent legislation.