Sweaters , Pullovers, Sweatshirts, Waistcoats (Vests), Knitted or Crochete of Cotton. Sweaters, Pullovers, Sweatshirts, Waistcoats (Vests), Knitted or Crochete of Manmade Fibers. See full list on eximguru.
China customs statistics trade data. Articles of apparel, clothing accessories and other articles of furskin.
Here you can see an overview of the commodity codes used in this sub-division. The first six digits refer to the classification in the WCO Harmonized System (HS). Seair Exim Provides details of Children clothes HS Code along With description and shipment records for Children clothes import and export. Harmonized System ( HS ) Codes Among industry classification systems, Harmonized System ( HS ) Codes are commonly used throughout the export process for goods.
The Harmonized System is a standardized numerical method of classifying traded products. These HS codes helps exporters and importers of ARTICLES OF APPAREL and CLOTHING ACCESSORIES-KNITTED OR CROCHETED to identify their product to use in customs department and other government and non government agencies to import or export of ARTICLES OF APPAREL and CLOTHING ACCESSORIES-KNITTED OR CROCHETED.