Data on inboun domestic and outbound tourism is available, as well as on tourism industries, employment and complementary indicators. Our forecasts point to a 3. Globally, travel and tourism directly contributed approximately 2. In the same year, the United States’ travel and tourism industry directly contributed the. Find Statistics Website.
Get Statistics Website. Tourism is on the rise. Even if that holds true and the. Forecasts point to a 3. New York City (number eight overall) leads the way, while Miami (27), Los. Anguilla shores in any one month throughout the years for which data is available.
Domestic business travel increased 1. International visitations to the U. Canada and Mexico) decreased 0. AirAsia Free-Flights Competition. FIVE (5) lucky winners will be chosen. The hotel statistics are supplied by STR , which analyses and reports on data from 60hotels, representing 8. Leading traders and the role of developing economies in world. Dubai tourism numbers up 5. Problems viewing this page? STATISTICS DOWNLOADS.

However, an EC study on the supply of accessible tourism estimated that only of tourist services in the EU provided accessible offers, leaving a large gap between supply and demand. Furthermore, these reports provide a summary analysis of top ten overseas and African markets as well as of tourist arrivals by regions.