Monday, August 14, 2017

A letter to my future son

I promise I will help you be able to accomplish anything you set your mind to, and in return I expect you to grow into an amazing man that I will be proud to call my son. A man who loves others with an open heart and is not afraid to show it. Have you met my close frien Mr. Smith and his buddy , Mr. To my surprise so much more happened.

A letter to my future son

The head boss, moved my son ’s boss out of his work position while he was deployed. The put a person my son gets along with in this bosses position. The old boss doesn’t supervise anyone now, and he had people under him or more.

So God does answer prayers. Now mind you my son went thought a year of hell. Because of this, I am not disappointed in you. Our hope cannot lie within each other. So worthy of life, yet so despised for living.

A letter to my future son

I do not intend to scare you. My father , your grandfather , taught me to follow a certain set of rules before I even knew their purpose. As your dad and I fade into the background of your life I want to tell you it has been a privilege to have you as our son. I know at times, I drove you nuts! I may not have disciplined you enough, or maybe I disciplined you too much.

I fed you and bathed you and clothed you. I sang to you, read to you, taught you. My letter to Hampton was for his eyes only, but below is a letter I’ve crafted for you as an example that you can use for ideas. My prayer is that you are a man who puts God first. I pray that you develop such a deep and intimate relationship with the Lord that you just want to continue to pursue him every single day.

A letter to my future son

A Letter to My Future Son -in-Law. You will be the father of my grandchildren, and very much a well. I wanted to start off by saying thank you. Thank you for raising your son to be the man he is today, thank you for raising him in the manners and love of others.

I may or may not know you yet, but know that you have done these things because I would not be marrying him otherwise. I believe in your heart, your desire, and your courage. I am excited about the journey that lies before you.

A letter to my future son

I am deeply proud of the boy you have been and equally proud of the man you are becoming – a good man now, and a great man in the future. I hope you review this letter often. My youngest son has also found a wonderful girl that will be a part of our family one day very soon. The closing of your letter referred to the Love You Forever book which has always been one of my most favorite books to give as a gift to new parents.

The last book was given to my oldest son when he and my daughter-in-law had my first grandson. I have had moments when I lost my faith in men, because of what one boy did to me. This is probably the first of the many letters you will be getting from me, your future mother-in-law.

And it serves an entirely selfish purpose: To be fore-warned is to…well, come prepared. Your future wife, my daughter Zi, is the strongest little girl I’ve met. When you spoke your first wor when you walked your first steps, I was your biggest supporter and fan. With every developmental milestone you reache I reveled in joy and celebration. That good-looking Irish guy with a twinkle in his.

Each letter is a tangible expression of your love and pride, combined with the hopes and dreams you have for their future. They may even pick one out of a keepsake box in years and be reminded of just how special they are to you. Your letter can offer encouragement through eight simple words that every child should hear. Express your excitement over the engagement.

Articulate how happy their daughter has made your son by agreeing to marry him. A woman writes a letter to her soon to be son -in-law letting him know of the hopes and dreams she has for his marriage to her daughter. Featured Shared Story No Stories yet, You can be the first!

It turns into such a deep reflective process, that I usually weep and laugh while I write. Free Shipping on Qualified Orders.

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