Thursday, October 19, 2017

2) Spl audio sp312 12subwoofers power subs woofers dvc 2 ohm

Plenty of Power Sub woofer to Choose From. List List Price $299. Currently unavailable. Car Subwoofers : SPL or SQ? A common buzzword used in the car audio world is car subwoofer SQ or Sound Quality.

SQ is much more difficult to quantify than say, SPL , the sound pressure level (the boom in subwoofer ). Although there is no hard spec that identifies SQ, it is always good to talk about sound quality in a car sub. Are two subs better than one? The answerto this question is typically yes, assuming you’re comparing one vs. Inalmost all circumstances, installing multiple subwoofers in your theater roomwill yield significantly better and smoother bass response across a widerlistening area due to modal averaging.

We’ve covered this topic thoroughly, so I don’t want to re-invent thewheel. Recommended Readingon the Benefits ofMultiple Subwoofers: 1. Place for Bass – SubwooferCalibration 1. Multi Subwoofer Connection Tips 1. See full list on audioholics. What I’dlike to explore however is comparing LARGE sub vs. Usually the wifewill tolerate one subwoofer if it’s placed out of view, but two is a hard pillto swallow, unless both are small and inconspicuous. I chose to perform this experiment in the Family Roomsystem of the Audioholics Showcase home.

It has 10ft ceilings and is open to the restof the house which makes it quite challenging to get good sound in, let alonerespectable bass response. For the pastthree years, I was using the venerable Axiom EP5subwooferlocated towardsthe left front of the room behind one of the couches. For a single subwoofer installation, I foundthis to be the best location for performance and aesthetics as the couch andblinds did a great job hiding this beast. Consideringthe room dynam.

But what the manufacturer is not showing you is the bandwidth vs. SPL output of both subwoofers in their spec sheet. In fact, it’s interesting to note they show you a graph for the EP5but not the EP400.

Extension and max SPL isn’t everything. Quality of bass and how well it integrates into a system is paramount. I can’t tell you how many homes and demo rooms I’ve been in with refrigerator sized subwoofers that sound like a teenager car stereo system. That’s not how I like to roll. I don’t consider an install a success until you cannot locate the subwoofer(s) in a. I left myEP5towards the left front corner behind my couch as it has been for the pastyears.

I placed one EP4on top of itand the other EP4diagonally located towards the back right of the room. Luckily the distance between both EP400s wasrelatively equal to the primary listening area making it much easier tointegrate them and not have to worry about bass cancellations due to mismanagedtime alignment between the two subs. I checked the phase and found they integrated best with both subs set to degrees (default). Ialways recommend using symmetry when placing your subwoofers relative to theprimary listening area. I run sweeps using LMS or my Sencore SP495C AudioAnalyzer, adjusting placement, crossover settings, phase and electricaldistance until I measure the most linear response at my two primary listeningpositions.

I tweak as needed to improvethe other seats but usually if I get at least the two money seats right, theothers aren’t so ba especially with the multi subwoofer advantage. As you can see the dual EP400response is much more linear across the entire frequency range. Gone is the 10dB suckout centered around48Hz. I started out with some channel music played inPLIIx Music Mode which is what we use on this system of the time forlistening to two channel sources. I gotjiggy with some DJ Jazzy Jeff.

With theEP50 the bass was well extended and tactile but not particularly as tight asI’d like it. Switching over to the dualEP400s was a real eye opening experience. I noticed that the bass no longer sounded like it was emanating from thefront left of the room but instead sounded like it was coming dead center nearthe plane of the main speakers. The dualEP400s were creating that “virtual” subwoofer effect making it hard to pinpointexactly where the subs were.

The effective bassresponse of the dual EP400s was much tighter with a lot more mid basspunch. I was definitely down with theimprovement I was hearing from the dual sub system. This is howbass should be! I searched out some bass tunes popularized by. The difference between a subwoofer and a speaker is the frequencies they project.

While the average speaker plays between 20Hz to 20kHz, on the other han subwoofers amplify low toned sounds typically below 100Hz. These offer 0watts of power along with 1- Ohm impedance and dual coils, and they also have a mounting depth of inches. These car subs makes them one of the best sounding and user friendly woofers available.

You can now produce bass with more punch and extension. Check out HalfPriceCarAudio. SPL Subwoofers that utilize the latest technologies so you can get great deals when you buy one!

With this metho the subwoofer connects to the back of your amp exactly where you plug in your speakers. Don’t worry, the subwoofer will not draw power from your amp. An active subwoofer presents a very high impedance loa so the amp doesn’t work any harder when you connect one, two, or even a line-array of six subs to it.

Subwoofer wiring diagrams for ohm , ohm , ohm , and ohm dual voice coil subwoofers and for ohm and ohm single voice coil subwoofers. Save on Power Sub woofer.

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