Discover student credit cards help college students build credit history, earn cash back rewards on every day purchases, and learn healthy credit habits. Your Chrome credit card for students earns Cashback. While many things might be changing in your life, your. You can apply for Discover credit cards at Discover. Should College Students Have a Credit Card ? Opening a credit card account as a student can help give you a jump-start on life after school.

Here are reasons to consider having a credit card in college. The Chase Freedom Student Credit Card not only offers students a foot in the door of Chase Ultimate Rewards, but also comes with a $bonus after you make your first purchase within the first three months and a $annual bonus for the first five years for keeping your account in good standing. What are the benefits of a discover student credit card?
How do you get a Discover credit card? Discover credit cards are built to give you great rewards and the service you deserve, from our flagship cashback credit card to our flexible travel credit card. Compare credit cards to find which offer is right for you.

Build a Credit History. Explore our Secured credit card to help build your credit history. If you’re a student , start. Discover is accepted nationwide by of the places that take credit cards. APR on purchases for months, then the standard variable purchase APR of 12.
Discover ’s student credit cards are available to applicants at least years or older, and building credit as a teen can be invaluable once it comes time to “enter the real world. The bonus categories are definitely popular types of purchases for college-aged cardholders. But unlike many credit cards with more affordable terms, the Discover it Student Cash Back card doesn’t sacrifice rewards. Social Security number and income.
You won’t need to have any kind of credit history, as student cards are designed for people with limited or no credit. With the student card , by contrast, you may only be granted $0or less in available credit. Discover will periodically review your account and may offer a credit limit increase if you’ve been consistently paying on time.
The process is quick and secure. Enter your information below. Check to see if you are still pre approved. With a deposit as low as $(but no more than $200), you can open a secured credit.
For a college student looking to build credit with minimal financial risk, the Discover it Student card is a preferred option. The valuable rewards are a bonus. To learn more about the different credit options available for students and others, please explore our site. The best credit cards for college students typically offer cash back, rewards and other perks like low interest rates. Yes, student credit cards can help you build credit like most other credit cards — as long as the issuer reports the card activity to the credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion).
Most credit card issuers (including the major credit card issuers , like Chase, Citi, and Discover ) report card activity to the bureaus, so you typically. How you use your aid is a big factor in whether it can qualify as income. The Discover it Student Cash Back card , for example, only lets you include scholarship or grant money if it’s used for living expenses.
This product is not available to either (i) current cardmembers of this credit card , or (ii) previous cardmembers of this credit card who received a new cardmember bonus for this credit card within the last months. You will receive 0bonus points with this bonus offer, which can be redeemed for $cash back. School Year (September - August) may apply at Discover. Most student credit cards mimic regular credit cards , but lack many of the rewards, sign-up bonuses, and useful perks. The average purchase card is interest-free for about 11.
But few student cards offer rates, and even fewer have longer intro periods than Discover it Student chrome. You don’t need spectacular credit standing to get approved for the Discover it Student chrome credit card. You just have to demonstrate that you are at least years old and enrolled in a two- or four-year school. Variable APR: intro APR on Purchases for months and 10.

GPA or higher for up to the first five years. Use a student credit card responsibly, and you’ll be on your way to building a foundation of solid credit before you graduate.
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