Friday, September 28, 2018

Revision request letter

Let’s start with the most basic question: how do revision letters even look? Well, the word “letter” offers a clue. While there are many ways to structure your letter, I suggest using the simplest possible format: a simple document containing the following parts: 1. Introduction: brief context, thanking the reviewers, outline of letter. List of changes: a list of the significant changes that were made compared to the previous version, each change attributed to the reviewers whose feedback suggested it.

Closing: thanking the reviewers again and looking forward to their positive response. Line-by-line responses: detailed responses to each of the reviews (suitably abridged). First of all, this is a letter, so don’t forget a brief introduction providing a little bit of context (part 1). It is customary and respectful to thank your reviewers here.

Then follows the executive summary of changes (part 2). For a busy reviewer, this is the important bit: how the authors have modified. See full list on sites.

Writing revision response letters is not unlike writing rebuttals, and I actually wrote a guideon this last year. The main difference is that rebuttals mainly deal with defending the paper, clarifying certain points, and rebutting reviewer feedback, with just a sprinkling of suggested changes to be made. In other words, rebuttals deal with things that will be done if the paper is accepted. In contrast, a revision response letter is written fait accompli, i. This eases the burden of having to motivate how a proposed change is doable within the allotted time, because you’ve already made the change! This is your chance to blow their socks off.

As I stated in my rebuttal guide, an important aspect of communicating with reviewers is to ensure that you respect the contributions of all of the reviewers, even the ones who were either positive (little to comment on), wrote a short review (again, little to comment on), or raised arguments that were not unique (here you may feel that there is no need to reiterate already discussed points). If you don’t do this, or if you don’t do it well, you run the risk of alienating one or more of your reviewers. The author changed the paper in response to the critique (reviewers and future readers benefit).

It is important to realize that peer review is not an egalitarian process. The editors and reviewers have virtually all of the power (that power is distributed across several people, which hopefully will minimize the risk for unilateral unfair decisions, but it is still true). Rebuttals and revision response letters give the authors a mechanism for talking back to the reviewers to defend their work, but in the en the final decision always rests with the reviewers.

This doesn’t mean that authors should be weak and give in to every whim and wish of the reviewers. Reviewers will generally listen to reason if you give it to them in a respectful yet assertive manner. You should likely pick your battles to maximize your chance of ultimate acceptance. It’s called a “revision” for a reason.

Revision request letter

If the reviewers ask for a better introduction, rewrite it. If they list missing references, cite them all. Save your powder for the lines of critique you feel strongly about and which may not be scientifically justifiable. Finally, you should recognize that sometimes there are required changes that you really need to make for a paper to be accepted. These are not open for debate, and trying strategy S(or, worse, S1) on these will result in your paper being summarily rejected.

For example, pay close attention to when the primary reviewer or the associate editor lists “required changes”. There are usually clues about this in the reviews themselves. Ignore these at your peril. Really, as I said earlier, actually ma.

Revision request letter

The response letter also becomes a changelog for your work. For this reason, revising the paper and writing the letter often go hand in hand. Following this letter are the editor and reviewer comments with our responses in italics, including how and where the text was modified. Changes made in the manuscript are marked using track changes.

The revision has been developed in consultation with all coauthors, and each author has given approval to the final form of this revision. State reasons why you wish to do business with their company. Explain the problems you have with the bids that have been given. Give the range of figures you had in mind and the reasons why you think this range is more equitable, both for you and for them.

Give one final “clincher” reason as to why you ‘re interested in working with them. What is a revision response letter? How do you write a business letter of request? Sample rate increase letter to clients, customers, employees.

You can modify these formats as your requirement. Sample Letter Requesting Grant Budget Revision. The grant agreement includes provisions for budget changes, some of which require advance approval from the Wabash Center. Advance approval is required on any changes over $5or of individual line item amounts.

Remember that you are dealing with people, not just a faceless submission system. The Editor-in-Chief and the reviewers are just like you—they have feelings,and dislikes, and many other. They are not infallible, but offer their comments to help you to improve your paper.

With the use of the request letter sample on this website as guide, here are the steps on how to make a formal request letter similar to the provided request letter templates: 1. A letter of request is an official document and should be written in formal way. First point is to consider and select who is the right person to ask for a favor or request. The letter should have your name, position or title, address and contact information.

Revision request letter

It also removes any question of your boss taking the request seriously. Who to Ask for a Salary Increase A salary increase request should be addressed to the person who manages your raises and bonuses. Become familiar with the following format and be sure to use it when writing your letter. Place your name, title, and address on the top left of the paper. Example 4: Example Letter of Requesting Bid Revision.

Addressee Address City, State Zip. Company Name or Letterhead Address City, State Zip. Matherne: Thank you for you bid to install an air conditioning system at our Boswell manufacturing facility.

We have made a change in our plans which requires that you revise your bid. Sub: Salary Revision Request Letter. Describe in your own words). I am not satisfied my annual salary increment against my performance, qualification and experience.

So kindly revise my annual salary increment. As it has to perform American labour visas, then there are plenty of types to pick from. Even the O-1B visa, even a short-term job visa for musicians, will allow them to keep. Applicants should be service-oriented. This letter is issued from a courier company for revising rates because of increase in expanses.

Revision request letter

Start the letter with a statement of why you are writing the letter in the first place and then make the request. When it comes to formal letters , it is vital to use a semi-block or block letter format for the request letter. Be clear and straightforward about what you are seeking.

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