Friday, February 8, 2019

Essential of valid transfer of property

What are the essentials of the transfer of property? What is the definition of transfer of property? How does real estate transfer ownership? Is relinquishment a valid form of property transfer?

Can property be transferred?

Both the transferor and transferee must be living entities on the date of transfer. The transfer of property must take place inter vivos, meaning property must be transferred between two or more persons who are living. Every person competent to contract and entitled to transferable property , or authorised to dispose of transferable property not his own, is competent to transfer such property either wholly or in part, and either absolutely or conditionally, in the circumstances, to the extent and in the manner, allowed and prescribed by any law for the time being in force. Act, writing, attestation, and registration are the essential requirements for the completion of a valid sale of the property, whose value is more than Rs.

For sale of property whose value is less than Rs. The act of transfer may be done in present or for future. The person may include an individual, company or association or body of individuals, and any kind of property may be transferred.

According to Section 1of the said Act, A lease of immovable property is a transfer of a right to enjoy such property made for a certain time express or implied or in perpetuity in consideration of a price paid or promised or of money a share of crops service or any other thing of value to be rendered periodically or on specified occasions to the transferor by the transferee , who accepts the transfer on such terms.

Transfer through a Will. Please note that enforcing the Will prematurely is illegal. Tampering with it is, too. According to this section, transfer of property means an act by which a living person conveys property , in present or in future, to one or more other living persons, or to himself and other living persons.

This can refer to an absolute interest or a partial interest in the real estate in question. With the title, you can transfer the interest you own to others. An important point to note is that one can never transfer more interest than he owns.

It may be transfer present or in future. Immoveable property must be transferable. According to Hidaya ” Hiba is an unconditional transfer of ownership in an existing property, made immediately and without any consideration. Hence a simple deduction can be done here that an oral transfer of property is a rule unless there is a law which expressly requires that the transfer should be in writing. The Sub Registrar puts the signature in course of his duties as laid down under Registration Act.

If you own real estate and want to transfer it to someone else, you’ll need to change the title on the deed to reflect that. In the case of an uncertain goods sale contract, the property in the goods shall not be transferred to the buyer until and unless it has. A owns certain goods he has general property in the goods.

If he pledges them with B, B has special property in the goods.

In a gift there will be an immediate transfer of property. Donor will not have control over the property. The sale takes place in accordance to the terms, which are settled by both the parties in the contract itself. Such contract of sale does not create any interest in or charge on such immovable property. A kind of obligation is created in respect of the ownership of the property.

Essentials of a contract of sale are several. The deed is the printed document showing ownership, and is the instrument by which title is conveyed. The deed must be recorde usually at the county courthouse in which the real estate is located. Two witnesses have to be present during registration, who should also attest the Gift Deed.

Once the registration process is complete, transfer of title can be made. Rules governing transfer of property through Will. After the death of a person, his property devolves in two ways - according to his Will i. This judgment confirms that a valid transfer of immovable property can occur only through a registered deed of conveyance.

As a consequence, all buyers that have purchased property through sale agreement, GPA and will transfers must now perfect their title of ownership by paying the appropriate stamp duty and registration fees. Where, on a transfer of property , an interest therein is created for the benefit of a person not in existence at the date of transfer , subject to a prior interest created by the same transfer , the interest created for the benefit of such person shall not take effect, unless it extends to the whole of the remaining interest of the transferor in the property. A valid transfer is based on a legally binding agreement. If the individual no longer owns the property , it is not counted as a resource for SSI purposes. If a transfer is not valid , the individual still owns the property and it is counted as a resource for SSI purposes.

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