Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Dangerous music 2bus+

Dangerous music 2bus+

All Your Music Needs In One Place. Get The Gear You Need Today With Our Financing Options. The Dangerous -Bus 16Xsumming device puts that all back into a lifeless mix. Much like traditional vintage consoles brought together multiple channels of audio, the -Bus receives analog outputs from any DAW interface and combines them to stereo.

See full list on sweetwater. This was a time when people were doing increasing amounts of mixing ‘in the box ’ and realising that large consoles weren’t a necessity, but also discovering that the DAW’s mix bus was less forgiving than that of their console. Three new processors were developed over the course of two years to help dial in some character on demand. BusPlus Sweetwater Minute, Vol.

In this Sweetwater Minute, Mitch Gallagher g. The Three Analog Tone Circuits When it comes to adding analog color to your mixes, the design team at Dangerous has developed three all-analog circuits: Harmonics, Paralimit and X-Former. Dangerous Music invented the stand-alone analog summing mixer with the ground-breaking 2-BUS. Unveil Your Sound With Active Analog Summing. Analog summing is a vastly misunderstood topic, but it doesn’t need to be.

It raises the bar on its legendary -BUS predecessor with even lower crosstalk, distortion, and. Used on every project I work on, this summing and color box is outstanding at everything it does and has helped me help artists get awesome music ! Includes three onboard audio processors that let you, with a simple push of a button and the twist of a knob, add tone and color to your stems or across your stems or across your entire mix. Availability: Available Soon. It brought back depth, character, and dimensional imaging into my mixes. Plus, harmonics, parallel limiting, and transformer saturation - all on my master sum!

If you are on the lookout for studio and recording equipment, then this may be a fitting choice. Make sure to check out the reviews but first of all press the red button below to see if it fits your music taste. Buss Plus in perfect condition! Knobs are sturdy and have a nice amount of friction, so adjustments can be made quite precisely. With no Color circuits engage the unit sounds as wide-open and distortion-free as you could hope for.

Dangerous music 2bus+

So the main difference is the features. With the 2bus, you would pretty much need a monitor controller. There may be a workaround but it would be a pain.

A Powerful, Straightforward Summing Mixer For those seeking a powerful, straightforward summing mixer, or those who wish to expand the number of channels in their current analog summing rigs, meet the -BUS LT. B from 10Hz -50kHz Input. Get The Lowest Prices On A Huge Variety Of Pro Audio Gear From Top Brands - Shop Now! We managed to beat the original design specs and achieve superior crosstalk, distortion and noise floor performance for even greater imaging.

Dangerous music 2bus+

It improves on the acclaimed -BUS summing mixer with improved crosstalk rejection, better stereo imaging, and even lower noise. Months Deferred Interest. The ‘Harmonics’ processor is a tuned harmonic distortion generator executed in parallel-processing mode with a blend control, ‘Paralimit’ is a FET limiter on stun, also in parallel mode. It sums channels of audio to a stereo pair in a high quality analog environment while occupying only one rack space. Press enter to begin your search.

Get a low price and free shipping on thousands of items. Regístrese para la alerta de precio. They were kind enough to offer us a Dangerous 2-BUS on a long-term loan. We asked Tape Op contributor and Grammy- winning producer and engineer Joe Chiccarelli to let us know how the unit sounds.

Is a 2-space rack-unit, 16-channel analog-summing mixer, with both XLR and D-sub inputs. New innovative features include separate custom audio processors to add tone and color to mixes. The unit expands upon the original with the addition of three separate custom audio processors that can be used to add tone and colour to your mix.

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