Our members work in all types of jobs and sectors. So we are an industry super fund for all industries. Learn more about the different types of super funds Learn more about MySuper funds. A superannuation fund is similar to a managed fund.

The money of members of a superannuation fund is pooled together and invested by the fund with the goal of helping each member’s balance grow for the future. Performance has been very good over the years. Free financial advice has been beneficial for my personal circumstances. Overall an excellent industry fund. Which is better SunSuper or Qsuper?
Sunsuper is a Public offer Industry fund. I am of the understanding that you cannot join an industry super fund unless you worked in that industry , i. I worked for Gov at some point hense I have Qsuper, and if I close it I dont think I can rejoin later. Retail super funds return their profits to shareholders and investors whereas industry super funds generally return profits to their members. See below for more differences between industry and retail super funds.
We perform comprehensive due diligence on hedge fund s for investors. AustSafe Super is the industry super fund for rural and regional Australia. It has 100members and $2.
Chief investment officer David Hartley says the difficulties of banks in Europe in particular have led the fund down the path of increasing the amount of debt investments in its unlisted exposure. In terms of its investments it was well diversified with a core of unlisted assets. Ian Patrick is the fund’s CIO. The two funds would have combined assets of about $1billion, putting it ahead of AustralianSuper, which has assets of about $1billion.

The Balanced fund invests in a mix of different assets like shares, property and cash. Only one of the largest industry super funds made the top list (UniSuper). Our Fat Cat Funds Report shows many smaller industry super funds performed as well or better compared to larger funds.
You can compare the annual fees charged by each industry fund for their default investment option in the comparison. First we take a look at Industry Super Funds. These are the super funds that most Australians will have their super invested if they don’t make a choice of their fund. Each fund tends to have an industry that it supports. With all profits going back to members, Industry Funds argue that they provide a low cost option for your super.
This profit-for-members super fund has over 1. SunSuper discloses a list of all shareholdings in the Socially Conscious Balanced option, without investment amounts. We calculate around of the this option’s Australian share investments is in companies actively undermining the climate goals of the Paris Agreement: APA and Seven Group Holdings. You can see a full list of winners at the end of the article.
The Fund aims to beat inflation over years by pa for the Super- savings account and 5. Most recently Mr Reilly had an executive position with State. As a profit-for-members fund , we believe this change is in the best interests of our members and will better support them when they need it most. Superannuation, Insurance, Income Protection, and Industry Super Fund Locations Primary.
ABN stands for Australian Business Number. All business entities in Australia are required to register with the Australian governent in order to receive an ABN. Today, it is one of Australia‘s biggest super funds with 1. In a closely-run race with AustralianSuper, the Queensland-based fund was named the winner based on its rapid rate of growth and enhancements it had made to its product offering over the past two years.
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