Monday, March 16, 2020

Open letter to my 2 year old daughter

These are my wishes for you as you continue to grow up and become your own woman in this magnificent world. Sometimes you even stepped up and took responsibility for your brother. Thank you for being such a perfect daughter. You are not just my daughter, but my best friend too.

Baby , you are the joy of my life, and I hope that I can teach you all of these things before you face the world on your own. I am so blessed to get to love you and be your mama.

The world is better for having you in it, my love. I hope my words from the heart inspires you when writing a letter of encouragement to your daughter. My Bella , Your name means “beautiful” and that is exactly what you are, beautiful inside and out. Your smile brings me overwhelming joy.

And your beauty lights my world. Happy birthday my dear baby girl! I am a full-time mother to three littles and a part-time dreamer.

I find serenity in the art of bringing life back to my vintage finds and giving them new purpose within my home.

Below is a draft of a letter that I would write if I had made such a gift to a granddaughter named Megan. I’ve written this to be given to her when she’s years old. By then, my initial $0gift would have grown into an investment worth perhaps $3000. Seven years ago today I became whole. And I have cherished every hour.

We taught each other, we consoled each other. Everything I do and say is out of love for you. We don’t set a curfew to be cruel. It’s so I can watch the clock and know you’ll be home when you’re supposed to be, and worry when it’s two minutes after and you’re not home yet.

And the relief I feel when I see those car headlights in the driveway. I am always trying to be the best mom I can be because you, my little girl, are the best daughter I could ever ask for. As I am writing you this letter , I am wiping the tears from my eyes and reminiscing on when you were a baby.

It feels like just yesterday that your daddy and I brought you home from the hospital and had no idea what we were doing. I want you to know what my treasures are. Share your fundamental values with your daughter. Teaching kids from our hearts requires some extra effort. I’m not sure if I’ve ever told you this, but I’ve never cared that much about money.

I treasure my family.

You and your brother are worth more to me than anything. You were my everything from that very first moment. When I had to go through one of the hardest times of my life, you were the reason why I had to stay strong, and you were and still are the reason I’m still alive today. Dear daughter , Congratulations on your birthday, is the first note I send you and I wish you could be right for you.

This is a beautiful time for me also because we can celebrate a one more year of your arrival in the world and that was the most wonderful day of my life. I love you very much and I will never stop doing so. Each letter is a tangible expression of your love and pride, combined with the hopes and dreams you have for their future. They may even pick one out of a keepsake box in years and be reminded of just how special they are to you. Your letter can offer encouragement through eight simple words that every child should hear.

The love that bound us so closely for so many years now expands into the widening space between us. It is this same love that holds me back as you lurch forward into the world. In a few short years when you leave this house, I plan to take the wise words of Sting to heart: If you love somebody, set them free. Open Navigation Menu.

The West Wing reacts to Donald Trump being elected the 45th president of the United States in a moving letter written to his 15- year - old daughter Roxy.

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