Can I file a complaint against AFSA? You can submit a complaint if you believe AFSA has breached the Commonwealth Procurement Rules ('the CPRs'). What is AFSA in bankruptcy?
Complaints against the AFSA. If you are not satisfied with the actions of the AFSA or its employees in a regulatory matter, you may first seek an appointment with the employee or with the Director of his or her relevant department to resolve the matter. How to lodge a complaint with AFSA. Online: Insolvency matters, please use our Send us feedback form. PPSR matters, please use our Feedback form.
Report A Misleading Financial Advert. Anyone may complain if they are concerned about an action taken by a: 1. Part X arrangement or 4. See full list on afsa. First try and resolve your concerns with the trustee or administrator. AFSA will acknowledge written complaints within seven days. If you remain dissatisfied or feel unable to raise the issue with them, you may contact AFSA Regulation and Enforcement: All complaints are treated seriously.
Generally, we are able to deal with most complaints within days. If the issues you raise are complex this may take longer but we will keep you informed. If you wish to remain anonymous, or have concerns about your details being made available, please make this clear to AFSA. AFSA aims to finalise the investigation within days of receiving your complaint and will keep you informed of the progress of the investigation. If your complaint is beyond AFSA’s powers to investigate, or it cannot be resolve you will be advised of your options, such as making an application to the Court.
AFSA can also facilitate meetings between parties with a view to quicker resolution of disputes. You should indicate when making the complaint if you wish to consider this option. Where the matter is not resolved through discussions with the personal insolvency practitioner, we will obtain a written response from the trustee or administrator addressing the issues of your complaint and we may inspect their file. In some instances AFSA can review a trustee’s decision such as: 1. A creditor or bankrupt who is dissatisfied with a registered trustee’s claim for remuneration and third party costs may either: 1. AFSA to undertake a review of the trustee’s remuneration.
This process is called a ‘taxation of costs’ and it examines the nature of work undertaken, time taken and the amount charged. A fee is charged for this service and you may also be required to pay the trustee’s costs if the remuneration is not significantly reduced. AFSA can examine the legality of the remuneration and whether the trustee has complied with standards set out in the Bankruptcy Act and can only require the trustee to vary their remuneration if it has not been legally taken or in accordance with regulated standards. If AFSA’s intervention cannot resolve your complaint your only remedy may be to apply to the Court. We will inform you if this is the case.
If you do not feel you have been treated with dignity and respect or are otherwise dissatisfied with the way that AFSA has handled your complaint, please raise your concerns further by asking to speak with the actioning officer’s manager. AFSA retains a record of all complaints. The record is kept as valuable feedback to assist in: 1. AFSA’s monitoring of trustees and administrators 3. Government on personal insolvency policy issues. For further information on AFSA’s role in reviewing certain trustee decisions please refer to the Inspector-General’s Practice Statement 12.
These mechanisms are designed to help you (customers) to resolve complaints and disputes by dealing with the company directly. The AFSA will only consider complaints submitted in writing. AFSA’s independent Regulation and Enforcement division examines complaints made against registered trustees and registered debt agreement administrators. All Major Categories Covered.
AFCA must deal with complaints independently and fairly. Once it begins to consider your complaint, AFCA will decide on the best approach to resolving it. Gangsters and Anti-Social Prevention Act was lodged against Afsa Ansari and her two brothers Sharjeel Raza and Anwar Shahzad in Ghazipur district. This site is for testing purposes only and may not contain the most up to date information.
One of the concerns that AFSA has with providing information in this manner that may be so readily shared is the increase in fraud. AFSA and some of our members have received calls from consumers reporting scammers using AFSA’s and other’s names to try to get money from consumers. My generation of agents didn’t for that level of hard-core, high-threat work.
What’s the plan for families left behind? When you complain to us, we follow a complaint resolution process that provides free and fair outcomes. However, you should be aware that there are certain complaints we can’t consider.
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